Monday, 5 October 2020

Millie the Morris Minor

 October 2020

Work done on the exterior since purchase.

Removed front and rear bumpers to add missing over rider brackets. Replaced all and tightened all loose nuts.

Added missing split pin to bonnet release mechanism that caused a near major disaster as I couldn't open the bonnet. Took a lot of tries and luck to release the bonnet.

Re-shimmed drivers door hinges to get a better fit.

Removed old front quarter light, vent, rubbers and replaced with new, both sides.

Oiled stiff window winding mechanisms, on all four doors, to free up and tidied seals between glass and door.

Fitted drivers door wing mirror.

Examined all under floor chassis, panels and inside wings. All very good and sound. Needed little work except the odd touch up with a light spray of black chip protector.

Added exterior paint on unpainted screw heads holding finishing panel below doors and touched up wing arch edges.

Added rubber seal to boot surround.

Adjusted position of rear lights slightly to make them more symmetrical. Only a few millimetres out but things like that bug me!

Fitted new petrol filler cap with chain attachment.

July 2020

Bought her privately in July 2020 and had her transported home from Dover.

Pre purchase photos below

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Gone but not forgotten.

 Millie has been sold and has moved home to Doncaster. All the very best to Millie and her new owner Graham.